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Michigan Optometry School

The following courses are required by the Michigan College of Optometry before matriculation or are highly recommended to take prior to applying to optometry school. This document is a GUIDE only. Students must consult with their pre-health advisor AND the appropriate optometry schools on a regular basis for revisions to prerequisites and to ensure completion of all application requirements.

Contact individual schools if you have Advanced Placement (AP) credit for prerequisite requirements. Each professional school has their own policy on whether or not to accept courses from Advanced Placement and Community Colleges. Students must individually contact the schools to determine the requirements.

Michigan College of Optometry
(Ferris State University)



BMB 200 or BMB 401 or BMB 461 & 462


BS 161/171 & 162/172


CEM 141/161 & 142/162

Organic Chemistry

CEM 251/252/255

General Psychology

PSY 101


(MMG 201 or MMG 301) & MMG 302


MTH 132 or (MTH 124 & 126)


(PHY 231/251 & 232/252) or (PHY 221 & PHY 222)


STT 200 or STT 201 or STT 231 or STT 421 or PSY 295

Required if not completing a bachelor’s degree:

English Comp. (WRA +Tier II writing course) Humanities (Cultural Enrichment) Behavioral Science (Social Awareness)

Highly Recommended Courses

Physiology: PSL 250 or PSL 310 or (PSL 431 & 432)

Genetics: IBIO 341 or MMG 431

Cell Biology: IBIO 425

Anatomy: IBIO 320 or IBIO 328 or ANTR 350

Accounting/Business Management: ACC 230 or ESHP 190 or ACC 201

Speech: COM 225

Minimum GPA: 2.0 or better for each prerequisite, 3.0 Overall GPA

Minimum OAT: 300 average

Michigan Optometry Schools Grade Alternative Policies

Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory and Credit/No Credit Policies for Michigan Optometry Schools:
Acceptance of Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory (S/NS) and Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) by Michigan optometry schools in place of numerical grades are listed below.

While a professional health program may accept prerequisite courses graded in the binary S/NS or CR/NC system, they may still request that you report your numerical grades for those courses when applying to their programs. It is important that you check the policies of each program that you plan to apply to.

Need to check grade alternative policies with out-of-state schools? Download this email template for contacting out-of-state professional schools.

Optometry Alternative Grade Chart