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Pathologists' Assistant

Michigan State University does not have an pathologist assistant program. The information below is intended for undergraduate students who are preparing to apply to pathologist assistant programs across the state/country.

Under direction of a pathologist, the pathologists' assistant performs surgical and autopsy functions leading up to, but not including, diagnosis. Pathologists' assistants conduct gross dissection of human tissue and surgical specimens for testing and evaluation. Pathologists' assistants perform forensic and hospital autopsies, while others conduct surgery on specimens for diagnoses, and typically work in hospitals, pathology labs, forensic labs, and morgues. 

Application Guide

Learn more about the admission criteria for most pathologists' assistant programs.

Michigan's Pathologists' Assistant Program and Prerequisites

View prerequisite and program information for Wayne State University's pathologists' assistant program. Resources for exploring out-of-state PA programs are also provided.

Additional Resources

Explore this profession further by accessing links to national associations, career profiles, and student resources.