Health Careers

Alternative Grade Policies for S/NS & CR/NC:
Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory and Credit/No Credit Policies for Michigan Professional
Health Programs:
Acceptance of Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory (S/NS) and Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) by
Michigan professional health programs in place of numerical grades are outlined in
the attachment below.
While a professional health program may accept prerequisite courses graded in the binary S/NS or CR/NC system, they may still request that you report your numerical grades for those courses when applying to their programs. It is important that you check the policies of each program that you plan to apply to.
View Michigan Professional Schools Grade Alternative Policies Chart HERE
MSU Resources:
Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Grading Policy
Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Grading Policy FAQs
Credit/No Credit Grading Policy FAQs
Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Policies for U.S. Professional Health Programs:
Below you will find statements from professional schools across the country related
to admission and S/NS grades during the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Advisors for Health Professions website also provides pertinent information for future applicants.
- Medical Schools
- Dental Schools
- Physician Assistant Schools
- Physical Therapy Schools
- Pharmacy Schools
- Optometry Schools
Pre-Health Advisors
Request Pre-Health Tracking Code
Contact for Current Students
Undergraduate Academic
Student Affairs
Natural Science Building
288 Farm Lane, Room 108
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 355-4470
Schedule an Appointment
Contact for Alumni and MSU Graduates
Please call (517) 355-4470 to schedule a Pre-Health Appointment
Follow us on Instagram @msu_prehealth and visit the Pre-Health Student Blog!
Contact for Prospective Students
Gabby Wahla, M.A.
Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinator
Phone: 517-355-4470