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Chiropractic Medicine

Michigan State University does not have a chiropractic medicine program. The information below is intended for undergraduate students who are preparing to apply to chiropractic medicine programs across the country.

Chiropractic medicine focuses on the relationship between the body's main structures – the skeleton, the muscles and the nerves – and the patient's health. Chiropractors believe that health can be improved and preserved by making adjustments to these structures, particularly to the spinal column. They do not prescribe drugs or perform surgical procedures, although they do refer patients for these services if they are medically indicated.

Most patients seek chiropractic care for back pain, neck pain and joint problems. However, many patients choose a chiropractor as their primary care doctor, because they prefer treatment plans that do not rely on medication or surgery.

Because of the emphasis on holistic health care, chiropractic is associated with the field of complementary and alternative medicine.

Application Guide

Learn more about the admission criteria for most chiropractic programs.

Chiropractic Schools and Prerequisites

View the full list of 15 accredited U.S. chiropractic schools.

Additional Resources

Explore this profession further by accessing links to national associations, career profiles, and student resources.