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Upcoming Events


What is Undergraduate Research?

Wednesday, January 29, 7:00-8:00pm via Zoom

There are myriad ways that research is conducted. Learn about the many different forms of research taking place at MSU. Learn about the opportunities available and how to get engaged in research and creative activities at Michigan State.

Register here.

Making Connections as a Pre-Health Student: Letters of Rec, Shadowing, and Research

Tuesday, February 4, 6:30-7:30pm via Zoom

Learn all about building and navigating a pre-health related social network at this virtual seminar! Information about establishing professional relationships with professors and healthcare professionals, utilizing office hours, and securing letters of recommendation will be given. Tips for finding shadowing, volunteering and research will also be shared. Register here.

Medical Student Panel

Wednesday, February 19, 6:30-7:30pm via Zoom: https://msu.zoom.us/j/96532186370 

Brought to you by the Pre-Medical Mentoring Program, this panel of current medical students from MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine and MSU College of Human Medicine will answer your questions about what it’s like to be in medical school! Our panel of dedicated mentors will share their experiences with the application process, transition to medical school, insight on the life of a medical student, advice for undergrads, and more! Register here

Personal Statement Workshop Series

Wednesdays, March 26 & April 9, 3:30-4:30pm in Natural Science Building 105

Applying to a professional health program in the upcoming application cycle and need help writing your personal statement? This workshop series is for you! We will provide an overview of what a personal statement is, how it is structured, and what makes a great personal statement. You will receive guidance as you brainstorm ideas and write an initial draft, as well as receive feedback that can be used to refine your personal statement!

**Note: This is a two-part workshop series. Please only register if you can attend both parts!

Register Here