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Calculating Your Science & Math GPA

It's important to know how to calculate your science and math GPA, which will be reported by centralized application services to the professional health schools to which you apply. The table below lists the different professional health schools and the courses their centralized application services consider when calculating the science and math GPA.

Health Professions/ Application Services Science/Math GPA includes
Allopathic-MD (AMCAS)

Biology1 (not including HNF, BLD, PHM, or KIN), CEM (includes BMB & ISP), PHY (includes AST) & MTH (includes STT)

View the full AMCAS course classification guide here.

Osteopathic-DO (AACOMAS)

Biology1, CEM (includes BMB), PHY, & Other Science (AST, EGR2, EPI, GLG, KIN, BLD, HNF, ISP & PHM)

View the full AACOMAS course subject guide here.


Biology1 (including PHM & some PSY2 & EGR2 courses), CEM (includes BMB), PHY, & Other Science (ANR, ANS, AST, BLD, EPI, GLG, ISP, KIN, HNF, MTH, EGR2, NUR, PLB, & any statistics course)

View the full ADEA AADSAS course subject guide here.

Podiatry-DPM (AACPMAS)

Biology1 (including ANS), CEM (includes BMB & PHM), PHY, & Other Science (AST, EGR2, EPI, GLG, ISP, KIN, BLD, HNF, & some ANP courses)

View the full AACPMAS course subject guide here.

Pharmacy (PharmCAS)

Biology1, CEM (includes BMB), PHY, & Other Science (AGR, ANS, BLD, EPI, EGR2, GLG, HNF, KIN, BLD, NUR, PHM)

View the full PharmCAS course subject guide here.

Physician Assistant (CASPA)

Biology1, (including ANS & PLB), CEM (includes BMB), Physics & Other Science (ANR, AST, AT, EGR2, EPI, GLG, ISP, KIN, HNF, NUR, BLD, & PHM)

View the full CASPA course subject guide here.

Physical Therapy (PTCAS)

Biology1 (includes ANS and ISP), CEM (includes BMB), PHY, MTH (includes STT)

VIew the full PTCAS course subject guide here.

Optometry (OptomCAS)

Biology1, CEM (Includes BMB), & PHY

View the full OptomCAS course subject guide here.

1. "Biology" includes courses labeled with “BS”, “ANTR”, “PSL”, “IBIO”, “MMG”, “NEU” and “ISB” codes from MSU.

2. PSY & EGR - Consult with your advisor to verify which PSY or EGR courses will count as science. 

All application services average grades from all courses, including repeats, when calculating your GPA.


Steps for calculating your science & math GPA

Follow these steps to calculate your math and science GPA, or enter in your courses below using the GPA calculator. 

▧ List each science and math course and how many credits it is worth.
▧ For each course, list the earned or expected grade.
▧ Multiply the number of credits by the grade to get the “Grade Points” for each course.
▧ Add the Grade Points for each course together to get Total Grade Points.
▧ Divide the Total Grade Points by the total number of Credit Hours attempted. Credit hours = the total number of credits you earned and attempted. (Note that you do not earn credits for courses with a grade of 0.0 at MSU)


Course Credits Grade Grade Points
CEM 141 4 2.0 8
CEM 161 1 4.0 4
MTH 124 3 3.0 9
BS 161  3 3.5 10.5
BS 171  2 4.0 8
Totals 13 credits    39.5 grade points

39.5 Grade Points / 13 credits = 3.04 science & math GPA 

GPA Calculator

Course Credits Grade Grade Points

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Email: natsci.prehealth@msu.edu
Phone: (517) 355-4470

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Contact for Prospective Students

Gabby Wahla, M.A.
Undergraduate Recruitment Coordinator
Email: natsci.explore@msu.edu  
Phone: 517-355-4470